The situation in Afghanistan is a nightmare. The surge has not worked. As we escalated the war, the insurgency fought harder and grew in numbers. Western troops are seen as foreign occupiers in the Afghan homeland, and now have murdered 16 civilians, including little children, in the middle of the night in Kandahar province. The surge has produced a record number of coalition and Afghan deaths, injuries and lost limbs. The surge has not stopped the momentum of the insurgency; just last year there were over 16,000 IED attacks against U.S. troops – a record number. And the cost of an average IED is just $30. Bring our troops home. Call your member of Congress toll-free at 877-429-0678 or click here to send an e-mail. Lt. Col. Daniel Davis, a highly respected military officer, who recently returned from Afghanistan, This insanity must end, and quickly. Going into our 11th year of war, we know that more time, money, and resources will not change the realities in Afghanistan. Bring our troops home now. Call your member of Congress toll-free at 877-429-0678 or click here to send an e-mail. Along with Lt. Col. Davis, we call on the House and Senate Armed Services Committees to conduct an investigation and public hearings into the facts about Afghanistan calling the senior and former generals referred to in Davis’ report to provide their version of events under oath. U.S. Troops and all Americans Deserve the Truth Contact your Member of Congress to co-sponsor H.780, Barbara Lee's bill, which limits funding for the Afghanistan war to providing for the safe and orderly withdrawal from Afghanistan of all members of the Armed Forces and Department of Defense contractor personnel who are in Afghanistan. Click here to send an e-mail to your Member of Congress asking him or her to support H.780 or call their office toll-free at 877-429-0678. (Thanks to Friends Committee on National Legislation for providing the toll-free number!) Please report back results to rustiandgael@unitedforpeace. - UFPJ Afghanistan Working Group |
| costruire la Pace con la nonviolenza e la giustizia sociale | convertire le basi militari USA in Italia ad uso civile | promuovere una difesa civile non armata e nonviolenta | far uscire l'Italia dalla NATO | spostare la sede ONU | sostenere |
martedì 13 marzo 2012
U.S. Troops and all Americans Deserve the Truth
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