domenica 22 dicembre 2013

La nuova Pearl Harbor: i DVD di Massimo Mazzucco

traduzione delle righe evidenziate in giallo:
"Il DVD che qui recensiamo è molto importante per il movimento per la Verità sull'11 Settembre. Ciononostante, si spinge al di là dello scopo della missione e dell'esperienza professionale di AE911Truth (Architetti e Ingegneri per la Verità sull'11 Settembre 2001). Nel recensire, da un lato condividiamo totalmente le parti eccellenti del DVD che descrivono l'evidenza dei fatti sul Workd Trade Center, dall'altro non supportiamo e nemmeno discutiamo le altre tre ore di materiale nel DVD".
September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor
Written by AE911Truth Staff   
Thursday, 19 December 2013 14:04

A DVD by Massimo Mazzucco

Review of the Film by Simon Day and Commentary on the Italian Premiere by AE911Truth Staff

The DVD reviewed here is quite important for the 9/11 Truth movement generally. However, it ventures far outside the scope of AE911Truth’s mission and area of expertise. While we review, and wholeheartedly embrace, the excellent segments of the DVD that cover the World Trade Center evidence, we specifically do not endorse, or even discuss, the other three hours of material on the DVD.

The New Pearl HarborAward-winning director Massimo Mazzucco commands the debate with the “debunkers” in this powerful new documentary about the 9/11 Truth Movement’s challenge to the official conspiracy theories of 9/11.In September 1997, “The Project for the New American Century,” a Washington, DC-based US think tank, was founded with the purpose of promoting US global leadership. In September 2000, they published a report entitled “Rebuilding America’s Defenses: Strategies, Forces, and Resources For a New Century.” In this document, we find the following statement: “[T]he process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event like a new Pearl Harbor.”
Wind the clock on another year to the devastating events of September 11th, 2001, and we have a plausible candidate for this New Pearl Harbor. This is the case made by Massimo Mazzucco in his superb new DVD, September 11 – The New Pearl Harbor. This epic production, stands head and shoulders above most of the other offerings that try to span the spectrum of the events on 9/11. So what makes this one so special? For me, there are three key points to be highlighted.
The first is the quality of the presentation. Many documentaries address this complex subject, but fail to achieve a level of professionalism. In contrast, Mazzucco’s production has the sort of quality that one might see on television or in the mainstream media.
The second is the enormous depth and quality of the research that has gone into the production. Mazzucco has let out all the stops, has explored most of the angles, and provides a wealth of information. A lot of the information in the film was obtained through the efforts of various researchers in the 9/11 Truth Movement via Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) requests. Key facets of the controversial issues surrounding 9/11 are presented meticulously and fairly.
The third is Mazzucco’s adherence to the principles of logic and science.